Provider Career Opportunities

For the latest information on obtaining a COVID-19 vaccine, please visit  The County is directing all available doses to the large distribution centers; ACP has not received doses to distribute to patients.

Many of your healthcare needs can now be addressed through a phone or video telehealth visit.  Please contact your physician’s office as ACP is open and ready to care for your health care needs.

The COVID-19 situation is fluid and ever-changing.  Please monitor and follow information and advice provided by our national, state and local health departments.

If you think you may have COVID-19 or have been exposed, please call your primary care provider and ask for instructions on what to do next.

If you have an upcoming appointment and think you may have COVID-19 or have been exposed, please call the office so that we can appropriately schedule you and protect the rest of our patient family and staff

Arizona Community Physicians strictly adheres to CDC & County COVID-19 guidance related to the safety and well-being of our patients, employees and community. Patients are encouraged to call their physician’s office or send a message via the patient portal with any questions or concerns.

Patient Telehealth Resources:

Information Sources:

COVID-19 Prevention Information:

Masks slow the spread of the virus. Wear your mask in public and at the doctor’s office. It is our policy that anyone coming in for an appointment wear a cloth or surgical mask. Please note that masks with valves are not acceptable as they protect the wearer but not those around them.

It is very important that you continue to get your recommended care, especially if you have chronic medical problems. Our goal is to keep you at your healthiest. You can do your part to stay healthy by maintaining your regular health care, minimizing your contact with others and “Doing the Five.”

  1. HANDS Wash them often
  2. ELBOW Cough into it
  3. FACE Don’t touch it
  4. FEET Stay more than 6 feet apart (stay home as much as possible to further reduce your risk of being exposed)
  5. FEEL Sick? Stay home (Feel really sick, let us know so we can test you and do what we can to help)

Stay safe. Stay Healthy!