Jennifer Wurster, NP

Jennifer Wurster, NP

Call for an Appointment: (520) 751-3695
Primary Specialty: Internal Medicine
This provider supports  the physicians at Casas Adobes Internal Medicine.
Medical Education: University of Phoenix

Jennifer’s educational background consists of graduating from DePauw University in 1994 with a bachelor’s degree in Sociology. She continued her education at Cochise College and graduated from Nursing school in 2001.

To follow her pathway in medicine and continue to expand her knowledge, Jennifer worked as a first-floor nurse at UMC, as well as an operating room nurse for various hospitals until graduating from NP school.

Once she graduated from University of Phoenix in 2014, Jennifer worked in Pain Management for a year, and urgent care the last five years.
Over the years she has worked with a variety of trauma surgeons, pediatric surgeons, ENT surgeons and cardiac surgeons on the open heart and transplant team.
Jennifer appreciates the quality time with her daughter and in her free time enjoys oil painting, bicycling, and cooking.