Moira Wristen, MD
Dr. Moira Wristen is a family physician practicing in Tucson since her arrival in the city back in 2001. Originally from Canada, Dr. Wristen received her medical degree from Memorial University of Newfoundland in 1989, completing her residency in Family Practice at Memorial University in 1991. In 2020, Dr. Wristen earned her Fellowship in Integrative Medicine from the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona. She is Board Certified in Family Medicine and Integrative Medicine.
Dr. Wristen enjoys seeing patients of all ages and says it is a privilege to care for several generations of many of her patient families—seeing a grandmother one day and her grandson the next is a special honor.
Dr. Wristen is married and has two adult daughters and one grandchild. When she’s not working you will probably find her playing with her three dogs. She also enjoys painting, photography, camping, and playing in her church’s worship band.